Föräldrasupporten (engelska/english)

- If you are a parent in need of support and advice

Parental Support offers guidance and support to parents and other important adults in matters concerning children and adolescents. Perhaps you need help tackling everyday challenges and finding tools that allow you to treat your child well in different situations as they grow up. Perhaps you’re struggling with a child who won’t listen, sibling quarrels, teenage angst, or problems at school. Or perhaps your child is sad, worried, fearful, or hot-tempered. If you have a child or adolescent between the ages of 0 and 20, we’re here for you. We can help you deal with parenting challenges both big and small and support you in finding new ways forward. You can come to our premises for private counselling or we can set up a via video call. You are also welcome to participate in our parenting courses, which address a variety of topics related to children, young people and parenting.

Contact us:

Telephone number: 0920-45 45 20

Contact Luleå Municipality’s Customer Service Centre: 0920-45 30 00

E-mail: foraldrasupporten@lulea.se

This page was last updated 15 February 2023